Blocks of rooms have been reserved at two hotels
1320 Broadway
Tacoma, WA 98402
hotel website
Reservation Information
Online and phone reservations will be accepted until September 11th, which is the cutoff date for reservations. Below are the options for booking:
Visit the online Reservations Link
You may call in to make reservations at 253-238-8000 or 877-986-8083. Please ask for the "Northwest Climate Conference" to ensure you receive the special group rate. If you have any difficulties with the website or need further assistance with reservations, please feel free to contact Adrienne Manning at 253-591-4123.
2102 South C Street
Tacoma, WA 98402
hotel website
Reservation Information
Guests are welcome to call 253-272-2434 or book online using the instructions below.
Visit the Holiday Inn Express reservations page.
Enter preferred arrival and departure dates.
Under "Add Special Rate Codes", enter the group code NCC to get the group rate.
The last day to make a reservation is September 11, 2017.
If any guests need to book outside of the contracted dates, please contact Sandra Baldwin directly at 253-274-3997.
Option #1
Complimentary parking at the Tacoma Dome Station and take Tacoma Link light rail to Convention Center Station (train runs every 12 minutes and is free).
Option #2
Parking at the Tacoma Convention Center is accessible at Market and 17th Street.
$6 for four hours or less, and $12 for more than four hours.
Sounder Schedule from Seattle to Tacoma
Leaves from King Street Station. Arrives at Tacoma Dome Station.
Then take light rail to Convention Center.
Cost = $5.25 one way
Seattle to Tacoma | Tacoma to Seattle | ||
Leave Seattle 6:15 a.m. |
Arrive Tacoma 7:13 a.m. |
Leave Tacoma 4:30 p.m. |
Arrive Seattle 5:28 p.m. |
Leave Seattle 6:50 a.m. |
Arrive Tacoma 7:48 a.m. |
Leave Tacoma 5:00 p.m. |
Arrive Seattle 5:58 p.m. |
If you are interested in participating in a daily carpool (for example, from Seattle to Tacoma, or Olympia to Tacoma), please visit this page.